How Much Longer Does Jet Have


You play... to win... the game
Dec 3, 2004
I mean really... this guy comes floating around every so often as a different name and whores his way to attention. It seems as though people have been blindly following his picks of late because of his ever so impressive resume since June 19th (the date that he's actually had someone on him about keeping records).

He's run out a good capper and loyal poster in Markie Mark for a run of lousy games... but I've been around this community enough to know that the general populus is not only tolerant, but very supportive when these things happen... not ones to try to knock people while they're down. As gamblers we've all gone on such spurts. Certainly this year in the AFL I dropped an 0 fer 14 ATS over the span of 4 weeks and dropped a large portion of the work done earlier in the season. But again, for the most part, people were there trying to support, understanding that these things happen in the world of gambling.

Across the street there is a little baseball challenge going forth where one of the cappers, who is a respective individual in the gambling world is getting CRUSHED... picking games at like 25% coming into today. I mean monkeys could do better... and it's sad that people over there are still bashing the hell out of him. I'm sure Jet would be right there. If Bucsfan goes on a spurt where he drops 30 units in a week, would people be bashing him here, or urging him on to keep up the good work for the months and in most cases for those that have been around, YEARS of help.

I think this yutz should be removed for who we all know he is (Master Riggs) and that he has attempted to run a poster out of here... He thinks he is adding something to the forum by trying to take it over and make it The Soccer Forum presented by Jet, instead of the community soccer forum, and I for one am quite tired of it.

So once again, I'll be looking for posted odds somewhere on Jet's time here on therx... My guess says Aug 1 is a fair date for the following odds.

Banned? -1000
Still around? +950


Jun 5, 2005
Do you have a mouse in your pocket? You keep saying "We all know", but not one other member has come to Markie's aid but YOU! You two CLOWNS have been acting up from the word go, and I just sucked it up. All the bashing, the riggs B.S, and everything. I took it like a MAN! And the first time I defend myself, Mark runs and hides. His record speaks volumes. "You don't throw stones at glass houses" Obviously, Marks house was made of old Coke Bottles! As for you, you are now on a mission to get the ONLY successful Soccer capper banned because your buddy doesn't have a spine! But only a yellow streak down his back! You are a joke and nothing more! I wish riggs was here to see you in action. He'd eat you alive GU-FOO! HaHa!



You play... to win... the game
Dec 3, 2004
If you pull this stunt in August, you'll be gone when other people actually read the soccer board. In case you haven't noticed, no one views it. There's 6 people viewing right now... And yes, if you'd like to believe so, that's UP TO 6 people and it's all because of you, right?

I've also never heard anyone come to your aid and only heard people who want rid of you and think that you are Riggs. Even the freakin' mods have come out and insinuated that they think you are Riggs. But whether you are Riggs or not, you act just like him and he has been banned... you won't be far behind.

Jun 5, 2005
I'll say it again moron! You gotta mouse in your pocket? Who besides you and mark and that bandwagonor "Hinesward", said anything negative about me? Who else? Nobody that's who! You are now sooooo P*ssed and full of rage that you are now DELUSIONAL!

As for my 6 views, what a joke you are! People are done with soccer today. By game times tomorrow, there will be a minimum 100 views! So go get your blood pressure checked, you're about to have a stroke kid! If you don't show up tomorrow, I'll have a drink :grandmais in your honnor, how's that?

:lolBIG: :lolBIG: :lolBIG: :lolBIG:

Don't you wish you could pick em' like me GU-FOO!?


You play... to win... the game
Dec 3, 2004
Why don't you take Hamburg tomorrow and lay the freakin' -800 juice too? They're a lock that's worthy of at least 25 Jet units, correct?

BucsFan thinks you're Riggs
Wilheim has insinuated it in several instances, including today
Markie Mark
Obviously, myself
And why don't you check your thread that got booted to the RR for others that think that you're Riggs... Yes, those are NEGATIVE feedbacks for you.

I'm not pissed at anything at this point my friend. Just tried getting your whoring trip into the Whoring Room... er... the Rubber Room (no offense meant, there's some great stuff in here, namely that RR Pageant)

Personally, I've got a Jack and Coke in one hand, and my remote in the other, watching a few different sporting events that can be found on normal televisions here in America. Kicking back getting ready for the 3-day weekend that America's Birthday has given us.

But thanks for assuming that I'm so stressed out. Couldn't be more calm than I am at the moment.

You play... to win... the game
Dec 3, 2004
Now Jet is off to playing all of the moneyline favorites in the CFL as well... Man does this dude love to choke on chalk.

You play... to win... the game
Dec 3, 2004
CHICAGO FIRE ML (-110) over CHIVAS USA ($5,500/$5,000)

Alright mods, can we ditch this clown yet? The dude is trying to convince bettors everywhere never to take a big loss and is coming back with 50 units in a reserve account just for this game... There's a point of absurdity... I think it's time to recognize this clown as Riggs and remove him, as he is clearly whoring space in this forum (yes, I know the irony that I'm giving him the attention... no one needs to tell me that)

Jun 5, 2005
HeHe HaHa! Sounds more like you're about to get yourself removed! Personally I think that would be a bummer though. Then I wouldn't be able to cram your words down your throat AGAIN, With the Premiership coming up. So maintain low towns there little scrub. Kids these days.....


New member
Feb 5, 2005
not to butt into random RR threads, but AFLGuru, you sure seem to take this board personally.
it's what the IGNORE feature is for :103631605

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